Doesn't that sound lovely -- happiness doubled by wonder?
Just imagine that. You're happy, and then wonder swoops in and just doubles your happiness.
Give me wonder any day. Wonder is simplicity, beauty in the small things. It's the thrill on a child's face when a butterfly lights close enough to observe. It's the smile that spreads across your face after a snowflake melts on your tongue. Yes, give me wonder any day.
More about that with my quote for today. I'm linking up with Susanne from Living to Tell the Story as we share the week's blessings in Friday's Fave Five.
My favorites for this week:
1. Books in the mail. I do love Amazon...maybe a little too much. It's just ever so easy!
2. Fun friends. This was Winter Court week at school, and every day was a different dress up day. (Movie Day, Decade Day, etc.) It's been fun to see my teacher friends in costume, and they are the best lunch bunch ever!
3. Celebrating my husband. His birthday was this week and even though he didn't really want to celebrate it, it's fun to see cards and packages arrive in the mail for him. He chose to go out for his birthday dinner, which was nice, and I'll be making his favorite angel food cake and strawberries this weekend. He's the best. I'm so thankful for him!
4. A month of letters. Yes, I'm participating in A Month of Letters, which celebrates the value of a handwritten letter. The challenge is to write and mail a handwritten letter daily for a month. (In February, that's 23 days because there are four Sundays and one U.S. holiday.) You can read more about A Month of Letters here. And thanks, Jeanie of Healthy Spirituality, for writing about this!
5. And now, back to wonder. This quote:
"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." (G.K. Chesterton)
A friend was going through a pretty difficult time this week, and she called for advice. "I'll tell you what works for me," I said. "Just give thanks for everything. Things related to this, and things not related to this. The song on the radio. A smile and wave from a neighbor. The warmth of your favorite sweater."
It sounds simplistic, but to me, thanks are a big thing. Thanking God for the smallest of blessings says, "It all came from You -- the big and the small." It puts Him in charge, not me. And somehow it's easier to hand over my problems to One who I realize has blessed me over and over.
Here's hoping you find the wonder to see blessings all around this week.

thanks for reminding me Laura...and Happy Birthday to John.
Thanks for reminding me Laura. And Happy Birthday to John. Clella
I love those book-shaped smiley boxes from Amazon, too!
My kids' schools have had Spirit Week or Homecoming Week where they've dressed up for different-themed days, but I haven't heard of some of those. Sounds fun!
Happy Birthday to your hubby!
The month of letters sounds fun. I only have one person I write to any more, but I suppose the idea is to write people you usually communicate with via other forms.
Good thoughts about thankfulness and wonder!
Now that's the kind of math I like -- happiness with wonder. Happy birthday to your husband -- hope he enjoys it all this week. Wow, a month of letters? How fun is that?!
Oh you and me both re Amazon - too easy but oh such fun!
Happy Birthday to your hubby - my dh has a birthday in 2 weeks. One more year before 60!
Love your quote and the thoughts that go with it. Hope you have a wonder-filled weekend!
Being thankful makes such a difference when we're having an otherwise bad day.
Amazon is where I'm headed for a particularly book myself. It can be addicting can't it?
Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by for my first time participating in Fri. Fave Five.
God bless.
I've been making it a daily practice (altho i don't write them in my journal every day) of telling the Lord thanks or finding the blessings in every thing. big small important really does help! and boy after the day i had at work today, I need to sit and really practice the presence of God tonite!! Love your list of faves and you asked where I bought the Lemi Shine. I discovered it at Target. Bottom shelf with the dishwasher soaps. For some reason i have never seen it until this past week and i LOVE LOVE LOVE it. it has removed hard water stains from the dishwasher and no more filmy glasses!!!!!
Beautiful thoughts this week, Laura. And thank you for the heads up about the letter challenge. It's right up my alley!
I love Amazon a little too much too! :-)
It's interesting to me how blessings don't have to be big or unusual to really lift the spirits. Thanks for sharing yours.
Love the quote, as usual. Sounds like a nice week of gratefulness. A good hubby is a wonderful blessing for sure. I'm going to pare down the letter challenge and try to write 4 this month...
Blessings on your weekend.
GReat quote. Remember wonder is one of my touchstones. will have to keep this quote for that chapter.
Happy Birthday John
and add my name to the list of amazon fanatics.
Now lets both get those notes written. LOL
I just love how you ended this post! When we are in a constant state of gratitude for the littlest things it is so much easier to hand the bigger things to the Lord. Very powerful, Laura!
A belated happy birthday to your hubby! I'm sure he's going to enjoy that cake this weekend. Yummy!
What a fun week! I'm a big fan of Amazon, too. :)
The letter writing challenge sounds like fun, but I doubt that I'd accomplish it. I send that much personal email, but I'm addicted to the immediacy of the delivery and response.
Oh yeah, I heart Amazon too. Happy Birthday to your husband!
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