Sun or stars...

Friday  March 8, 2013

Is the sun shining where you are?

Or is more snow falling?

Maybe you can't see the stars for the clouds at night.

Well, stay tuned for the quote at the end...

I'm linking up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for Friday's Fave Five, where we share our favorites from the past week.

This week's blessings for me:

1. Two words – SPRING BREAK! Oh, yes, it’s 3:00 today. Looking forward to sleeping in and time to write and read…and time to shop for a mother of the groom dress.

2. A concert. My sweet hubby surprised me with tickets for a concert tonight—date night. Looking forward to it!

3. A guest post on My post was live yesterday, and it looks like I’ll have another next week. Read up on families and conflict and respect here!

4. Bringing sunlight into the dark. We were in the midst of dark days a year ago, when our son was the victim of a terrible auto accident and spent three months in a wheelchair. Hardship changes you, teaches you. My hope in the middle of that was that I could take its lessons back into the everyday. I have a friend going through some hard times, and she says sharing my experience from a year ago has helped her. It’s great to see how God redeems our pain and uses it.

5. A quote:

“The darker the night, the brighter the stars. The deeper the grief, the closer is God!” (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

I can attest to this, and I'm sure our son Andrew could, too. (I have to credit the quote to him. He found it!)  We’ve seen some bright stars in the past year, and at the moment, the sun is shining through.

And the best part? Sun or stars, He’s by our side.


Jean Wise said...

You sounds excited about spring break. have fun! Great quote too.

Melissa said...

God does redeem our pain; it's just hard to see the possibility when you're in the midst of the trial. I'm glad you're able to share with your friend to help her.

Enjoy the concert and your spring break!

I look forward to reading your guest post. I'm on my way over.

Faith said...

AMEN on the quote!! gotta love Dostoyevsky (hope i just spelled that right!)....and yay for Spring Break (I still have 2 weeks til mine) Our oldest is coming home tomorrow for hers from college!! How fun...a date night and shopping for a mother of the groom dress!! enjoy your break (and i LOVED your article on parenting)...oh...we have a SNOW DAY today. seeing the blessing in it! :)

Brenda said...

Beautiful quote and glad you're able to work through and by faith 'see the stars' even on a cloudy night.

Barbara H. said...

This is a sweet post, Laura. Though we wouldn't choose those hard times, God does do some wonderful things in and through them. I'm glad they're help to your friend now and an encouragement when you look back on them.

The date sounds fun!

My youngest has spring break this coming week, too. Yay for no alarm clocks!

Jerralea said...

Great post, Laura!

Hard to believe it has been a year since your trial but it is amazing to see how God has worked in your lives. I know He will bring good from it, and not just encouragement to others.

Love the quote - as always. Enjoy that spring break, you blessed one!

Willow said...

The only thing better than spring break is Summer Break! Enjoy your week which I know you will.
Bright stars--are often accompanied by the moon which reflects the Son.

Susanne said...

God does redeem our pain! I'm so glad that your sharing your story was able to help someone else!

I wish I would have set up a spring break years ago when I first started child care. It would have been such a nice break to be able to recoup and take a breath. Enjoy that week and have fun shopping!

Ingrid said...

Already one year ago that your son had this terrible accident ? Time flies by so quickly. We had a few spring days with warm temperatures and sunshine but today it snowed again ! can't see this white stuff anymore !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love going to see live music!! Last night we had a friend over for dinner and he brought along his guitar. He and Joe played and sang and it sounded wonderful

Karen said...

I love that quote. Yes, a year makes a big difference! Many blessings to be thankful for. :)

nikkipolani said...

I can tell you aren't excited at all about your break.... ha!

Thank you for the reminder of the brightness in contrast to the dark days. Your son Andrew has come so far. He must have stories to tell!

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