Pay attention to what?
Stay tuned for my last favorite to find out.
I'm linking up with Susanne at Living to Tell the Story for Friday's Fave Five today.
Join us as we recount the week's blessings.
My favorites this week:
1. It’s over. The 2012-2013 school year is history. Summer looms and I have a big goofy grin on my face.
2. A thoughtful husband. We got our son and his fiancee’s wedding invitation this week. Although my hubby usually brings the mail in, it was pouring so he didn’t. He ended up making a very late trip to the mailbox. I was already in bed, so he put the invitation on the kitchen table with a letter opener so I could be the one to open it in the morning. Nice, huh?
3. Teachers who love their students. I work with a whole bunch of them. I’ve seen love in action this week, and it makes me thankful to serve where I do.
4. A pile of books! I’ll actually get to attack that pile this summer, and that makes me so happy. I plan to post about my summer reading sometime…
5. A quote:
"Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it." (Mary Oliver)
When you think about it, that’s what we do each Friday. Astonished by the good things in our week, we tell about it.
Simple instructions for life, but the payoff is big: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.
In the same vein, I have to share a post by my friend Brooke McGlothlin called Why Christian Writers Should Keep Writing. I know all of us, from time to time, wonder about blogging – the time it takes, if anyone is reading, why we do it. Brooke’s wise words are such an encouragement, and they're full of truth.
Wishing you open eyes and a little astonishment this week.

Okay so I will keep writing!
thank you for sending me to the article. And I can relate to your joy for the summer. Enjoy. See you in a couple of weeks. Clella
We've enjoyed our first week of summer! Though I hope my youngest does get a job soon.
That was very nice of your husband!
Time for books is a big fave.
Love the quote - very apt for FFF.
Thanks for the link about writing. That is encouraging. One friend once wrote that though she didn't have many readers, God encouraged her with the idea of just feeding whoever came to the table, no matter how many or few.
I am thankful too for teachers (I am including Sunday school teachers) who love their students as these teachers (you as well Laura) are making a difference in the lives of these students.
I like how you tease us with your opening sentence so that I want to get to your last fave. :)
And your lat fave, a quote, is usually something I ponder. This week is no different. In fact I am sharing it on Facebook today.
Congrats to ending your school year! 19 more for me!! Love your list and YAY for your hubby surprising you with the wedding invite in the a.m. I loved that! I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing weekend enjoying a great book (Love that quote, too!).
It's the little things that we do for each other that make such a difference. I have been doing much more reading lately and enjoying it very much.
Oh to have a whole summer off, what a great blessing! Enjoy every moment! It's wonderful to be able to work in an environment where there is love and caring.
I'm so curious to know what your reading choices are for the summer!
What a sweet thing for your hubby to do.
What a great quote! A reminder that there's much to be astonished, amazed, and thrilled if we pay attention. Congrats on finishing the year and jumping right into summer. Try not to gloat.
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