My oldest son's precious wife recently posted some belated Mother's Day thoughts, and I just have to share.
Her words provide a glimpse into the heart of adoption -- its hopes, its heartcry, its goal:
"Our sweet family is separated from our daughter who is somewhere halfway across the world. My heart aches for her birth mother and whatever decisions and life experiences led her to surrender her daughter.
Why must this world be so broken that families are torn apart? Why are there hundreds of thousands of orphans around the world? When my head begins to swirl with questions I remember that this isn't how things were intended. Although my desire for years has been to bring our daughter home from India the circumstances that led up to this point were not what God originally designed for his creation...
Aside from the fact that my children are already broken by sin, they will also have to endure the brokenness of this world. One of my children already knows this reality too well. All I can think to do today is pray that the Lord can use our family to be a part of the healing process. May we in some small way live out the life giving, sin crushing, hope restoring, joy inducing, powerful reality of the Gospel...
May this adoption journey be a reminder to those looking on that Christ came to restore a broken world."
You can read all of Kristen's post here. Visit them, leave a word of encouragement, pray for them and for their sweet daughter waiting in India.
I'm so blessed by my boys...and by those that love them.
Thankful for such a helpmeet for my son.

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