What’s the key to achieving great things?
Stay tuned for my fave #5 today, a quote that will clue you in.
I was all ready for Friday’s Fave Five last week, and then I realized Friday morning that our illustrious host, Susanne of Living to Tell the Story, was vacationing! I posted my five anyway, and I missed you all last week. Join us today as we recount the blessings of the week.
My favorites this week:
1. My big news. What a blessing! My new novel, Pearl, was released last week, and actually, last week’s FFF was all about it. If you want to see a little intro video (yes, I talk, too) and read about the story, click on over. And the biggest blessing is that it will help bring a little girl from India to my son and daughter-in-law’s family in Kentucky!
2. Being back with friends. Yes, it’s back to school time. This has been teacher prep week, and it’s been great to be back with my buddies. They're precious friends.
3. Legacies. There are times being a teacher is tough, of course, but the rewards are tremendous. Today I had a 2004 graduate and a 2010 graduate in my room—two lovely and talented young ladies—and I felt like a proud mama!
4. A summer with my boy. He drives away next week for his last year of college. (I can’t believe that.) And, of course, that means we have no idea where the Lord will have him next summer after he graduates. It’s been great having him here—talking with him, cooking for him. So thankful for this summer with our boy.
5. A quote that seems especially apropos as we teachers scurry around to ready our minds and hearts and classrooms for those students:
“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.” (Leonard Bernstein)
It seems there’s always something more to do in the classroom. I have a plan and not quite enough time, so maybe great things are in the offing!
The Kindle version of Pearl will be out next week, if you’re interested.
I’ll post about it, so check back.
Wishing you great things this week,

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Great list of faves, Laura. I've been spreading the word about your book to my friends....and guess what! Since I return to work in 4 weeks, I decided my last summer splurge before I have to give my paychecks back over to Gordon College lol..is gonna be a hardcopy of your novel!! am ordering it later today!! can't wait!! Many blessings to your boy in his last year of college.
How exciting about the book, Laura! It sounds like a wonderful story. Will it be released into book stores as a hard copy?
I had no idea you were working on a seminary degree! Congratulations! You are one motivated lady.
It's wonderful to have the college kids home. Mine doesn't come for the whole summer but it sure is nice to have her when she is here, usually at least two weeks. This year though that second week she'll be in Toronto at a dance conference. Though excited for her, I'll sure miss her presence here.
The quote made me smile. I feel like that about life in general. LOL.
Congratulations on your book. Nice to see you speaking and read a bit about you :) One of the things I love about a book is reading about the author. Great week you have!
Congrats on your novel!!! I can't wait to buy the Kindle version next week. :)
My internet was down,but I tried to post from my phone. I just couldn't read anyone's.
My MIL is a T.A. at an elementary school and went back too. Hope you have a great school year,Laura!!
How wonderful that you have a novel published! I'm very impressed. Thanks for stopping by my blog too :-) x
I really needed to read that quote tonight. Thanks!
Congratulations on the new novel! How exciting!
I love to see teachers excited about being back in the classroom.
I know what those summers with sons can mean. So glad for them!
Goodness! How exciting is that! Congrats on Pearl and the help it will be for your son and DIL.
This is the last of your boys in the last of his college years? Amazing. No wonder you are thankful for extended time with him.
Wonderful quote -- how very true.
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