Something bigger

Friday August 16, 2013

The first week of school!

It’s been filled with anticipation, excitement, a touch of regret (at not being able to sleep in), and lots of hugs. A good week.

And what does that have to do with something bigger? By the end of the post, I think you’ll have no question.

I'm linking up today with Susanne of Living to Tell the Story for Friday's Fave Five, where we recount the week's blessings.

My favorites this week:

1. Graduates. Yes, it is the beginning of the year, but often past graduates use this time to run by and say hello. That has happened a bunch this year. Kicking off the entire week was a special visit by a former student who was always special to me and has grown even more loved. On Sunday, I got to see her four sweet children and wonderful husband. It is simply amazing what the Lord has done with their lives and in their family. They have two girls and then adopted two more Ethiopian children and will be journeying to China to get their fifth child. But most amazing of all is their hearts—made new. (You can visit and see this beautiful family here.)

As the week progressed, more former students dropped by for hugs and conversation and one is teaching right across the hall from me now. What a joy it is to watch a student grow into such a capable, excited, caring young lady!

2. The Kindle version of my novel, Pearl. It’s available on Amazon. Just went up on Wednesday. And there’s a touching review by the aforementioned former student, too!

3. Teaching creative writing. I have always taught Drama and English, and I love them both. I moved into creative writing this year, and I’m already loving it. The first day, three students said they wanted to be professional writers! They are just so creative and so much fun. And you know what else is great? I write when they do, and then I get to share with them.

4. Family and friends. The college boy journeyed back this week, and he went early so he could spend a few nights with his brother and new sister-in-law before college starts. I love how they have each other. Even our West Coast son has family and close family friends way out there, and that’s so nice to know.

5. A quote:

“Do you want to be part of something bigger than just this moment? Do you understand that you’ve been hooked to something vastly bigger than the borders of your own life?” (Paul David Tripp)

A family whose members come from all across the globe—and I was blessed to teach their mama, who’s helping all she can to get the word out about Pearl. A granddaughter waiting in India, and a son and his wife aching to be matched with her and bring her home to Kentucky. Students who return, just to hug or to teach across the hall from you. What blessings!

And the biggest blessing of all? That the experience of knowing and growing with the Saviour takes us beyond ourselves, way past the borders of our own lives.

Wishing something bigger for you this week,

Photo credit


missy roepnack said...

He is so much Bigger than we can even praise Him for, and He orchestrates all of it - every detail of our lives are already known to Him. Whenever I get overwhelmed by this, I think, "Relax in His Magnitude."

I love this post and I love PEARL so MUCH! This book is so outstanding. I considered it an honor to have read it when I had finished and cannot wait to share it with my children from around the globe someday.


Faith said...

You truly had a blessing-filled week! I can't wait to get my copy of Pearl and read it!! I went to the website of your former student...thanks for sharing it...that was a story that brought tears to my eyes!! God bless you as you enjoy the weekend, Laura.

Hazel said...

There's always something exciting about the first week of school. What a great week you had!

Susanne said...

How fun it was to watch you talking "in real life". Is there a hard copy version coming out soon?

Love the close connection your boys have. That is such a blessing!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Susanne, and everyone else -- the hard copy is available from CreateSpace or Amazon right now! There's a place to click at the top left of my home page on the blog.

Barbara H. said...

I think all of my sons did that - went back to visit their high school the first week after they had graduated before they went on to college. Funny how they count the days til they're done then can't wait to go back. :-)

The creative writing class sounds fun!

Congratulations on the book!

Willow said...

Laura, I completely understand your bigger than yourself heart especially for that new little grandbaby you're waiting for. God's blessings to you and all your family.

I'm not in school yet, but I look forward to seeing the students who have 'graduated' into the jr hi classes--they still come by to say hi to me :)

Hurray for your book!!!

Ingrid said...

I got a Kindle Fire HD for my birthday and was angry at first, it seemed so complicated to me, I only wanted an e-book reader ! Now I am very happy with it and slowly discover more and more to use it !
So nice that siblings have such a good relatonship ! That's not always the case !

nikkipolani said...

Big blessings indeed! And a new adventure for you this year. Praying for that newest grandchild waiting to join your family.

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