Basin: a bowl for washing. An open, shallow, usually round container.
Yes, but there’s much more there than meets the eye.
I hope I never stop discovering the richness of the gospels!
Each story—most taught to me when I was tiny—is full of Christ. Not just full of His actions, but brimming over with His heart.
I’m amazed—and encouraged—that even though I’ve heard these stories for years, there is so much more of Him to discover. (And thankful, too, to my pastor for leading us to the wealth.)
Take a look at that basin. The one used to wash those disciples’ feet in the Upper Room.
Did you realize the basin made its debut in the middle of the meal? John 13:2-4 tell us that the meal was being served and Jesus got up from the meal, girded Himself with the towel, and grabbed the basin.
Feet were usually washed when one entered at the door, but this was a secret meeting, one without preparation. There was no servant there. Correction: there was but one Servant there. The disciples, in fact, had just been arguing about who would sit on Jesus’s right and left in His kingdom. You can be sure they weren’t of the mindset to wash feet.
So Christ did.
And in the washing of those feet, the wielding of the basin and towel, we see:
Jesus’s authenticity. He IS the real. John 13:4 says, “He showed them the full extent of His love”—in the foot washing. That statement doesn’t precede the cross, it introduces Christ’s humble act of washing the disciples’ feet. When we humble ourselves to serve others, we show how real our faith really is. Christ showed His love and introduced His sacrifice by donning a towel and picking up a basin. It was real, practical, rubber-meets-the-road love.
Christ’s unconditional love. The savior became servant that day. In one simple act, He said, “I want to take care of even the dust of your feet. Nothing that touches your life is insignificant.”
And He didn’t just say that to the faithful. Remember who was there? Judas would betray, Peter would deny, the rest would flee…but Christ’s actions said, “I will love you.”
Humility—gift and necessity. He gave a humble gift that day. But a gift has to be received. We have to humble ourselves—admit that we need Him—and be served by Him. We have to open our hearts and lives, show Him our dirty feet, and let Him cleanse us.
There’s so much there. In the basin of servanthood, blessings abound!
- He shows the extent of His love in practical ways in my life.
- He loves even when I flee—and He will tomorrow, too.
- He can deal with the dirt of my life.

I'm linking up with Laura, Michelle, and Jen today.
So thankful for His love and how He demonstrates in my deepest need.
Thanks for the beautiful post!
Dear Laura
This weekend as I was putting shoes on the fett of my two nieces, I realized how blessed I am who love these two girls with my whole heart, to put socks and shoes on those four dirty feet! I think Jesus also showed us the great joy of doing these little things for others not to bless them alone but to bless us with joy to love our precious one!
Blessings XX
Laura ... you always offer such substantial heart words for us. And how you do it as an 'outnumbered mom'? What a grace, what a gift!
Yes, bring on the basin! Thank you...
I went to a wedding a week ago where the bride and groom stopped in the middle of the ceremony to wash each other's feet. It was so beautiful! And such a great way to begin their new life together.
HI Laura! What a good point about the basin thing. I guess Jesus really wanted to catch their attention! and he sure did that.
Great thoughts to day! Nice to meet you, too :)
I love how you encourage me to look deeper into these familiar stories for the heart of Jesus, Laura. This is a beautiful reflection, my friend. I'm looking deeper into the basin.
I love the depiction of Jesus washing the disciples feet and showing us how to be humble. We studied this for a few weeks in my small group last year when we did a study on the Intimacy of Jesus. Washing of the feet is an intimate and very humbling act. I am so thankful to be reminded of this lesson.........
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