I know most days I just need to breathe.
Slow down and breathe.
Breathing grace? Sounds wonderful.
Stay tuned for #5, a quote, to find out more.
I'm linking up with Susanne of Living to Tell the Story to share my five favorites of the week. Come along as we share Friday's Fave Five.
My favorites this week:
1. Another milestone—a step closer to a granddaughter from India! Our son and his sweet wife have another important appointment coming up. One more thing to check off the list. This is such a long process. They’re in the “matching” stage now, and we’re all just aching to see a picture from India of the little girl the Lord has matched them with.
2. Amazing technology. I’m not one to buy into all the latest and greatest, but a few new things have helped me keep tabs on my elderly mom who’s so far away. I’m thankful for those.
A bonus fave, on the same subject. I'm SO thankful for the technology that allows us to know one another across the country. And I was thrilled this week to read Faith's review of Pearl! I SO appreciate you spreading the word, Faith, and I'm thankful for your kind comments.
3. A great series on the Tudor women. I love these! They’re written by Sandra Byrd, and I’m reading the last of the three now, Roses Have Thorns: A Novel of Elizabeth I. They’re fascinating.
4. A husband who leaves me notes. I love getting up and finding my hubby still here, but the next best thing is to find a sweet note…even after 35 years.
5. A quote:
“You can’t breathe out what you haven’t breathed in. Breathe grace.” (LetHopeIn.com)
We want to show grace and be grace, but we have to take it in first.
And there’s only one place to get grace—at the feet of the Father.
A great reminder, isn’t it? It was for me.
Wishing you grace this week,

Have you heard the newest Matt Redmond song, "Your Grace Finds Me"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXZf-rc_XaA
It's a good one! And goes perfectly with your theme this week.
So glad things are moving along for your son and dil.Praying for much grace for them.
I was able to order the first of the series from the library - looking forward to it. Thanks for the recommendation!
I'd love to be sitting there with you in those chairs for a visit - what a perfect spot.
Happy weekend!
Reading your list makes me happy, Laura. And it gives me ideas as to what I can do when I take a break: read a book you mentioned,
pray for your grand daughter and/or organize my India photos and write the stories that go with them,
write a note to someone I love,
BREATHE is grace.
Thanks for sharing.
I'm not a real big techie, either, but I do love some of the things available to us now to keep in touch.
Thanks for recommending that series! Looks interesting!
How sweet to have love notes when hubby has to leave early.
I love the quote and a hubby who leave notes. Great list
Praise God that your son and daughter in law are a step closer to that little girl...I can't wait to see her face someday!! (if you share a pic I mean). I was happy to write the book review and I'm buying my mother in law a copy for her Xmas gift!! She loves to read so I think she will really enjoy the story AND get some of God's word into her :) LOVE that quote...I saw it briefly this afternoon when I was on FB and just had a feeling you were using it in today's FFF!!! I love notes from my hubby too!! Enjoy a relaxing weekend, Laura!
It's unbelievable what time it takes to adopt a child from India ! I mean it's good to check the families but here it takes as long as a pregnancy of an elephant !
Love the quote !
You always have the best quotes, Laura! This one is is a timely reminder. Praying that the list for your son and his wife get shorter and shorter.
And thanks for the book recommendations. They are noted!
I'm excited for and with you in the process of gaining the gift of that little granddaughter.
Love that quote! Grace: receiving something you don't deserve~
Such a long process international adoption is but so exciting everytime you share a piece of news! Hopefully it will start to move along much quicker now.
Love the quote. So true.
I read Faith's review and was very excited for you!
Love the quote about breathing grace!
I don't know where I've been but I didn't realize that your wrote a novel, "Pearl." I went and read Faith's review and I definitely will be reading your book soon. The story line sounds so good!
You gotta love a husband who leaves notes!
Hi Laura! It is a grace to fine your blog today!
I just did a post called "Breathing Grace." I love that idea. If you have time, please visit and read it. It's something like yours, in the way that God gives us so much just because he loves us.
We certainly do have that insight in common! I'll be your newest member. I hope you'll like what you see, and be mine too :)
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