If you know me, that title didn’t surprise you in the least.
I’ll have more to say on that when you get to Fave #5.
I’m linking up today with Susanne of Living to Tell the Story for Friday’s Fave Five, where we share the blessings of our week.
Won’t you join us?
My favorites this week:
1. Being back at grocery shopping! I know, who enjoys grocery shopping? But I had a little minor foot surgery in early August and my sweet husband offered to do the shopping so I could keep my foot up on Saturdays…and get some things done on the computer. Last Saturday, I was back full force at Publix, and I found I had missed it. While my foot was propped, I made lists for my hubby and he did well, but you just see stuff and remember stuff and catch bargains when you do the shopping. Glad to be back at it. (In related news, glad to be back in my own shoes! I’ve gone two days now without the boot thing without any problems. So glad.)
2. Creativity. I do think it’s a blessing and a bane. I am thankful for it, but sometimes I get so many ideas that I just don’t have time to follow through on. That’s when it’s frustrating. But “to everything a season,” I keep telling myself.
3. BIG adoption news! My son and daughter-in-law’s paperwork is now all official and is in India, awaiting a match. There’s no telling when we’ll hear, but it’s still very exciting. Praying for the little one who’s already matched to them in the Father’s heart.
4. Students. I think of a precious former student who has grown so dear, even more in the last year. And of a current one who has trusted me with what she’s facing. I’m blessed to be a part of their lives!
5. A quote:
“I love movies, but through this book, I was made aware of a whole new kind of movie: my imagination. I watched a movie that no one had ever seen before because it was mine.” (A student)
One of my students wrote that last week, and I just couldn’t resist sharing. I know just how she feels, and it’s such a joy to share that feeling…and to share the love of books.
Wishing you the love of books this week,

I enjoy grocery shopping...but if I could just stick to my list. Haha.
Praise be to God for the adoption paperwork going through.
Have a blessed week.
I'm glad that your foot is doing better. Publix is my favorite grocery store. I have their shopping app, but the store I usually shop at has terrible WI-FI, so the app usually won't load in the store.
What a blessing that you are able maintain relationships with your former students! When I see my former students getting married and having babies, I start to feel old. :)
Enjoy your weekend!
Had to smile at #1. I don't enjoy grocery shopping, but it is hard to give an exact list to someone else, plus there are things I don't write down because I get them regularly, and things I think of when I get there. Usually after someone else goes for me once, I am ready to go myself again next time.
Glad your foot is doing better! And for your students and the adoption progress.
Love that last quote - how neat to think of reading as a movie no one else has seen.
For the Love of Books was the title of my blog when I was on Wordpress. I just recently moved to blogger.
Yippe on the the adoption! I have a niece who is adopted from India. She is 11 years old now and has been her since she was almost 3. Lovely little girl!
Oh that student of yours is soooo wise...love her quote!!!
Yeah for the adoption news and praise God that your foot is doing well....and for being able to wear your shoes again and do the groceries. I admit, I hate actually finding the time to do it, but i much prefer ME doing the groceries than my hubby who tends to buy way more junk food that I would do. But it is a blessing to have husbands who help! Enjoy the weekend, Laura!
What an exciting quote! That student discover a gift she/he will have for a lifetime. And I agree - we don't appreciate things like grocery shopping until we can't do them. Good point.
your joy is evident, laura! even in the shopping!
Glad your foot is getting better Laura.
SO happy for you re the adoption news! Hope the little one joins your son's family soon!
I skipped down and read the post about your son's wedding. What a joy-filled day - the Lord is so faithful! Many blessings on your boy and his lovely new wife!
You're definitely sharing your love of books with your students - that was the favourite part of my teaching days too!
Happy week!
I love that quote! Bright girl!
I totally relate to your first fave. I went through the same thing when I injured my MCL and couldn't grocery shop. So thankful for hubby but frustrating that I couldn't be there seeing and comparing.
Very exciting news about the adoption. Hopefully it will now be a quick and perfect match.
"Who loves grocery shopping?" Uh, me! I'd be pretty bummed in your shoes, or boot, as the case may be. So glad you are back in your real shoes and hopefully healing well.
That adoption news is thrilling! Hopefully, your son and DIL won't have too long a wait.
What a great quote from your student!!!
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