Once again, I read about a book and I thought of life.
A friend sent me a link yesterday to a post on Touchstone – a journal of Mere Christianity.
The article talked about Charles Williams, who was at the core of the Inklings. He’s lesser known than Tolkein or C.S. Lewis, but his writings sound intriguing.
Each of his seven novels begins with rather ordinary life in England in the 1930s. Then “something crops up,” Howard writes in this post, “…and we are off and running.”
Howard continues: "The characters divide themselves, unbeknownst to themselves, into those who wish to make a grab for the thing in the interest of knowledge, power, or ecstasy, and those who, like Simeon and Anna, or, supremely, the Blessed Virgin in our own story, place themselves obediently and humbly at the disposal of whatever The Mercy (Williams never says ‘God’) might wish to ask of them in the situation."
And I saw my face.
We (just as the characters) divide ourselves into two camps:
• "Those who wish to make a grab for the thing in the interest of knowledge”
[What's going to happen? Can I handle it?] and
• “Those who...place themselves obediently and humbly at the disposal of whatever The Mercy might wish to ask of them in the situation."
I wonder over the situations facing me and I make a grab—mainly in the interest of knowledge. I think I have to know.
I wonder what will happen. How I will face it. When it will happen. How long something will continue, and when it will be over.
Oh, to be the one who places herself “obediently and humbly at the disposal of whatever The Mercy might wish to ask!”
May I be that one today.

I'm linking up with Laura, Michelle, and Jen today.
Hi Laura Lee! visiting from Hear it on Sunday, Use it on Monday! I loved this post and was reminded to intentionally choose humility and offering of service to God rather than my desperate attempts at acquiring knowledge. I'm a grabber and purpose not to be. Thanks for food for thought tonight.
His writings do sound intriguing, Laura! Thanks for sharing this. And now I am wondering which kind of person I am too...
I had not heard of him - it would be interesting to read one of his books.
I tend to want to know all about what's coming and what's involved before I assent to it. But God rarely works that way. :-) I need to learn to trust and yield at the outset rather than working myself into it after I feel I have "enough" information.
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