A Not-So-Silent Night

Monday  December 16, 2013

If you’ve ever been in a labor and delivery room, you know it wasn’t a silent night.

But more than the sounds of Mary’s anguish and joy...

Consider how the centuries must have resonated that night.

There’s much more taking place here than the birth of a babe.

Centuries of oppression are falling away, as the birth of grace lightens the age-old law.

No longer a burden, the law becomes an expression of love, a response to the grace gift.

Listen carefully to that not-so-silent night.

Cattle lowing, angels singing,
          chains falling.
Mother sighing, shepherds praising,
          God redeeming.

Echoes of a wooden cross
      resound that blessed night.
Resting in a feeding trough…
      Embrace the Bread of Life.

I'm linking up with Laura, Michelle, and Jen today.

Photo credit


Nancy Hamilton Sturm said...

Lovely. I especially love the last line, "Embrace the Bread of Life."

bluecottonmemory said...

There's much to be heard in that silent night - beautiful reminder!

Beth said...

You've shared so many profound truths in this very short post, Laura Lee. It's one that I want to read over and over to let all the truths soak in. And you're so right, it truly wasn't such a "silent night" all things considered. :) I will take your challenge and really "listen" this Christmas season. Merry Christmas and hugs to you, my friend!

Lisa notes... said...

The sound that stands out to me in your list: "chains falling."

Yes. So grateful for that noisy morning! Thanks, Laura. Praying you and your family have a blessed Christmas.

Joe Pote said...

"If you’ve ever been in a labor and delivery room, you know it wasn’t a silent night."

This made me laugh! No, nothing silent about a night of childbirth.

Holy? Yes! Silent? No!

Thanks for sharing!

Michelle DeRusha said...

I was just writing about the same thing today, Laura - that the pretty and perfect birth scene wasn't exactly that in reality -- good point!

Thanks for linking up with #HearItUseIt!

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