It’s a new year.
Doing anything brave?
I’m feeling inspired—no, compelled—to.
I’m joining up with Friday’s Fave Five today to recount the blessings of the week, and my #5—traditionally a quote—will come back to that.
But for now, the blessings of the week:
1. Being back! I hesitate to say, “I’m ba-a-ck…” because it’s still a busy semester, and I may fall off the posting wagon. But I’m anxious to touch base with my Friday friends again and hear what’s happening with all of you.
2. A new schedule. I taught some classes at a local university last semester and I simply LOVED it. What a great experience. They won’t need me this semester and in a way, I’m disappointed; but in another, it’s nice to have a little time back. (I’ll fill it up again, though, of course…) Teaching high school in the day and two college classes twice a week can be pretty time consuming. It was challenging but fun, and I'm so thankful for the experience.
3. Watching God work. This past Sunday we visited a church plant and heard a former student preach. I claim no part in what this young man is now, but it is so awesome to see what God does with young people yielded to Him. It’s a privilege to be in a place where I can see that happen.
4. Memories of the holidays. I’m still feeding on them. Thanksgiving was awesome—we had ALL our boys together plus a precious grandson and two wonderful daughters-in-law. We had a great time. And we got to see three of the boys at Christmas time, too. During the holidays, I spent time with my mom—helped her decorate for Christmas at Thanksgiving and helped her take everything down when we saw her after Christmas.
5. An inspiring quote:
“We have to be braver than we think we can be, because God is constantly calling us to be more than we are.” (Madeleine L’Engle)
And with His help, we can. I’m feeling driven to undertake some new study in 2014, and I am just so excited about it. And a bit scared. It will definitely be a challenge, and I’ll be called to be more than I am now, that’s for sure. But if He is calling, I know He’s already there. And that bravery? Well, He’s the best Source of that, so I’m sticking close to Him.
Have a great week!

Great list of faves and welcome back!! I am still feeding off the holidays too...and looking forward to winter Break in a few weeks!!
I love you're list of Five. Watching God at work in others is always a blessing. always!
I too am back At Fave Five but I'm afraid to commit cause I just get busy.
What a great way to start the year - Braver.
Happy weekend!.
I'm so glad you were able to have all the family together at Thanksgiving and most of them at Christmas. We had all of our brood for both, and we're expecting a grandbaby this summer, so that anticipation adds to the fun.
Last semester's schedule does sound challenging - I'm glad it's a bit lighter this semester.
It's so neat to see young people we've known grow up and go on to serve the Lord.
I really enjoyed my visit here today. Looking forward to browsing a bit and getting to know you.
It is always so wonderful when family can be together. We still have all our chicks close or still in the nest and I am not looking forward to when the won't be.
Yes, #5 reinforced the calling I have felt to dig deeper into God's Word and to know HIM better. Thank you for sharing here today.
God Bless!
Welcome back to the Fri Faves. I occasionally take a break when things are busy but I'm always happy to join again. It's a great gratitude exercise. And a lovely bunch of ladies!
So glad you had a wonderful Christmas - add in a grandchild in the mix makes quite a difference. We have so much fun with our grand-daughter.
A wonderful quote from one of my favourite authors.
Welcome back to the Fri Faves. I occasionally take a break when things are busy but I'm always happy to join again. It's a great gratitude exercise. And a lovely bunch of ladies!
So glad you had a wonderful Christmas - add in a grandchild in the mix makes quite a difference. We have so much fun with our grand-daughter.
A wonderful quote from one of my favourite authors.
You've been missed Laura! But what a fulfilling experience to teach as you do. And now a slight change of pace. You're still full of wonderful quotes, I see. So good to see young people growing into the person God meant them to be.
Missed you and so glad to see you name back on the Linky this week! Love that quote and your attitude towards it.
Your holidays sound like it was full of love and family!
always love your list. Wow that quote floored me. wow
So glad to see you back at FFF. I've missed you.
Your schedule last semester must have been super busy. As the wife of a college prof, I know how busy a teaching schedule can be.
I know it must have been great to see all your boys!
Hello Laura,
It is good to "see" you and catch up a bit.
Family time can have a special, healing, affirming, and fun place in our lives. So glad you are going through a season of that. Me, too.
I bet your former student (now a preacher) really appreciated your presence and support. I know that when I am at the pulpit such people make a huge difference for me.
I hope this 3 day weekend is a refreshing one for you.
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