What makes your life joyful?
Stopping to recount my blessings always turns my heart into a grateful place, a place that looks up to my Source.
As usual, more on that title—joys of life—in my fifth favorite today as I link up with the ladies at Friday's Fave Five. So stay tuned.
My favorites this week?
1. An awesome writers conference last week. It was a time with old and new friends, full of laughter and tears, inspiration and anticipation, a time of praise and prayer. Florida Christian Writers Conference—I recommend it highly.
2. Anticipation. This word is probably on my FFF at least once a month, it seems. Am I living for the future? No, I’m enjoying today and thinking about what I may have to look forward to. We’ve been talking about summer plans and how next year may be a bit different, in a good way. I like to look ahead with anticipation.
3. A new idea! I’m Outnumbered was the book of my heart, an outgrowth of wild and crazy times raising boys. And now I have another proposal on my heart. It’s tugging on my mind, and I can’t let it go. Praying that I’ll be able to get the proposal on paper this coming week.
4. Spring Break. Yes, it’s that time here. I’m ready for a little sleeping in and time to work on what I want to work on. I’m also thankful that my sophomores’ research paper rough drafts are graded and returned. The next step is grading the final papers, but that’s a couple of weeks away.
5. A quote:
“Uncertainty and expectation are joys of life.” (William Congreve)
I’ve already mentioned my affinity for anticipation, and she’s a cousin of expectation. Uncertainty, though, has a negative connotation—but it doesn’t have to.
When we know the One who holds the future, uncertainty is cushioned by His love, surrounded with His presence.
Wishing you uncertainty and expectation this week,

Wonderful faves. You sound like Dr. Franco, my favoritest teacher in college. Thanks for the thoughts on uncertainty. Guess I have become a bit impatient with uncertainties over the years being in a job with this kind of internal politicking.... But I must have forgotten to include the One above in the equation. Thanks for the reminder.
Sounds like you have a lot of great things ahead!
Wow...Spring break. I know you'll enjoy your time. Glad your conference was good. Have a wonderful weekend!
spring break already?? we just had winter break 2 weeks ago!! LOL. Our Spring Break isn't until the week between Palm Sunday and Easter this year. I'm glad Easter is late...maybe our white stuff will be gone by then. LOVE your list as usual....and I'm excited to hear about your new book idea...if you're planning on sharing, that is :) enjoy the weekend and your break!!
I love anticipation and new ideas as well. Hope all turns out for your good ... Oh, I know it will because you are one of His!
Have a great spring break!
I always enjoy your FFF posts - especially your quotes. You find the good ones! Lifting you up in prayer as you flesh out your new book idea. And looking forward to hearing all about it!
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