Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.

Friday May 23, 2014 

It’s Friday, and it’s time for some gratitude. 


It's amazing what gratitude can do.

Stayed tuned for my fifth favorite, a quote that will inspire gratitude.

I’m linking up with the ladies of Friday’s Fave Five today, where we recount our blessings of the week.

 Here are my favorites: 

1. The end of the 2013-2014 school year. With graduation tonight, the school year closes for me. It’s been a good one, and it signals some later mornings (yay!) and the time to jump into my studies. Can’t wait!!

2. Graduates. It’s such a bittersweet time for parents and teachers. We hate to see them leave, but what a blessing to see these young people moving into their college years. And to think that I have the privilege of being a little part of that!

3. Friends. I’ll be sitting with some great ones tonight, all decked out in our stoles and gowns. It will be the last year I’ll sit with some and I’ll miss them terribly. And it’s the first year for another, one who was a student ten years ago and now is a colleague. Very cool.

4. Essays. Yes, exam essays, believe it or not. I read a few that were just awesome. Makes you feel like they really “got it.” Love that.

5. This quote: 

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity...Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” (Melodie Beattie)

The fullness of life—where we see that we have enough, where we revel in acceptance, and where we celebrate order and clarity we didn’t see before.

Simply being thankful can help us relate to yesterday, today, and tomorrow in the shadow of the Giver of all. 

Wishing you gratitude that transforms this week,


Karen said...

Beautiful quote, Laura. This is a special day for you, indeed. Enjoy every minute!

Jerralea said...

Love the quote! I totally agree with your thoughts.

Have a wonderful summer and enjoy your studies. It's quite a special time in your life - drink it in!

Barbara H. said...

Graduation is so exciting. A little sad for everything left behind, but happy overall.

Hurray for later mornings!

LivingforGod said...

I like that quote. Our attitude of gratitude indeed makes a huge difference on our outlook on life. Enjoy your summer break!

Susanne said...

Love the quote and I think it fits beautifully with the whole reason for FFF.

Graduation is definitely an exciting time!

Ingrid said...

You start already summer holidays ? Here it's only on 1st July !

Hazel said...

"...enough and more....." I just felt my heart lighten up! What a great week you have with friends, colleagues and students who 'really got it.' That's one of my fave parts too when it comes to going over students' work.

Hootin Anni said...

My grandson graduated from high school this month and will attend a college all too soon. Then, his mom, my daughter graduated the next day with a Master's Degree.

Gratitude and pride in our house this month!!

Enjoyed reading your post.

Willow said...

Gratitude truly does unlock the fullness of life. Great quote.

Yay for summer break--and for you the opportunity to be the student.

nikkipolani said...

I love it that you have so much to look forward to as well as thankfulness for what's just been completed.

And I'm glad you enjoyed Linda's post expounding in her grandmother's aphorism. It's still rolling around in my mind :-)

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