Who wants to be rare?
It seems we’re all about being one with our culture today, being up-to-date on the latest technology, watching and doing what everyone else is watching and doing…
As a redhead, I always stood out whether I liked it or not. Sometimes that was good and sometimes, not so good. (Then I married a redhead, had four more of them, and we all felt right at home! Days at the beach left my arms numb from applying and reapplying sunscreen.)
Stay tuned for my fifth favorite today—as usual, a quote. One about the value of being rare.
I’m linking up today with Susanne and the ladies at Friday’s Fave Five, where we replay the blessings of our week. Won’t you join us?
Here are my favorites this week:
1. Back with friends. The great thing about starting school is being with my teacher friends. It’s been great to catch up with them and their families. Most of us have taught each other’s children, so we have a vested interest in each other’s families. It’s great to see my teacher friends again!
2. Firsts. Our youngest just moved into his first apartment with a friend, and he’s close to two brothers. Hearing stories and seeing pictures of the move and his new digs makes me smile. He starts his first full-time job next week, so it’s a season of firsts. SO proud of him. It’s so great to see them do what you raised them to do.
3. Unexpected paint. They painted my classroom this summer, and I didn’t know they were planning to. It looks so nice and fresh. They took posters and things off the wall and that has made me re-evaluate my décor, and it’s probably about time for that. I’m replacing some things with other decorating ideas I’m excited about. And my husband is helping me. Fun!
4. A dinner rendezvous. My hubby worked last night and sometimes he is able to get away and grab dinner. I got a cryptic but fun text about meeting him for dinner unexpectedly. It was better—and more fun—than eating my leftovers at home alone last night. Loved it.
5. A quote:
“There are rare Christians whose very presence incites others to be better Christians. I want to be that rare Christian.” (A.W. Tozer)
I don’t know that I can elaborate on that quote—it says things so well. It’s a great one for me to begin the school year with, as I strive to see what I would call “problems” as opportunities.
I’m probably not enough of a rebel to our times and culture, but I long to stand not on the shifting sand of today but on an eternal foundation. May I be rare today!
Wishing you rare moments this week,

Tozer quotes are great and this one is no exception! Love it!!! I had to chuckle at your description of the sunscreen applications......my oldest gal's college roomie is a ginger and she has to slather it on! Me? I freckle. Lol yay for your youngest son, the spontaneous dinner date with hubby and a fresh classroom. Enjoy the start of your school year!!
Laura, Unfamiliar quote for me and so appreciated. I,too,, would like to be rare, but fear I am a part of the crowd. Unexpected dinner dates are always fun. And starting back to school with new decor and the year ahead has always been exciting to me. I envy you in some ways. :-) Thanks for today's post. Clella
Love that quote from Tozer. I want to be that kind of Christian, too. You always share the best quotes.
My daughter just redid her classroom. She has had a ball doing it. Why not jazz it up? You spend a big part of your life there!
When I was teaching I always loved the return to the classroom after the summer break. I'm still a sucker for browsing in teacher supply stores. :) That is a great quote! I, too, want to be a rare Christian. How unfortunate that those who stand for righteousness and truth today are in the minority!
So neat to see our kids taking those steps as an adult.
I love a freshly painted room, and i does give us opportunity to rethink our decorating.
The dinner rendezvous sounds fun.
I have known Christians like that - I hope to be like that.
You are already back to work ? Belgium sleeps in his summer holidays until end of August !
Ah, a fresh new start in your class room. How fun. Hope it wasn't too much unexpected work for you!
Having taught many years, you must love the annual reunions with your fellow instructors :-)
I love that quote and can think of a couple of people who have been that in my life. I hope I can be that for someone too!
Loved your opening about redheads and your family of redheads. Made me smile. Yay for your son's new apartment. All the best to him as he starts his new job!
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